Backyard Birds – Part 19
Removing veneer tape from a marquetry panel, making patches, and using a drill to make eye details
Backyard Birds – Part 15
Cutting overlapping marquetry and inlay objects into the background
A posting lull while I volunteer with get-out-the-vote efforts
Using bookmatched burl veneer to make the side of a cabinet
Soldering a piece of custom hardware to open a cabinet door
Making a trompe-l'œil windowsill to go around a cabinet door
Making a special enclosure for a marquetry opening mechanism
Removing veneer tape from a marquetry panel, making patches, and using a drill to make eye details
Cutting overlapping marquetry and inlay objects into the background
Cutting marquetry objects into the background
Making the cover and pages of a marquetry book
Making letters for the spine of a marquetry book
Making making pau amarello veneer using a featherboard